"I never believed that I was worth it, no matter how many people told me."

Kaitlyn's largest obstacle to overcome started when she was 16.

"The hardest situation I have dealt with in my life was my lack of self confidence. I never believed that I was worth it, no matter how many people told me. Eventually I realized that everyone is put on this earth for a reason, whether it's something as small as helping one other person, or something as huge as a new scientific discovery that changes the world. Throughout my time, my confidence slowly grew. I started focusing on the things I did good rather then dwell on the mistakes I made, and this helped me realize that my good accomplishments outweigh my bad ones."

"My biggest accomplishment was learning to manage my anxiety. I used to struggle greatly because of my depression and anxiety disorder, but over time I have learned how to manage these things when my mind rushes. When I learned how to cope with it, I realized that these things are just part of who you are and you are strong enough to overcome anything you may face."

Written by Kaitlyn Adèle.

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